Staff Page!

Sabrina Tucker: I have worked at many different places before but this job has been the most inviting and exciting work experiences. I am a new saleswomen and I basically just sell what our company sells It is honestly a fun job. We have no commission cap so it pays pretty well if you are a good salesmen.
John Denver: I work as an accountant here at our business. It is exactly what you would expect of a 9-5 Full-Time job. I run all the numbers that go through our branch of the company and report them to corporate.
Jamie Buckner: When I got hired for this job in HR I didn't really want to do this full time. I have now been here for 15 years and I have made many friends along the way. The job is really simple when everyone gets along. Getting new recruits is difficult but lately we have been fully staffed so that hasn't been a problem.
Barbara Plarn: I do this job because I have to but I stay proffessional. Sometimes I love being here because it is quiet and peaceful and other times I just want to be home and relax. My job is Marketing Designer so I design different things that go into advertising our products and company.
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